Nestled in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture, the Fuji Skirt Office by Fukei Co. serves as a tranquil sanctuary for the workers of a nearby crane factory. Despite being surrounded by urban clutter, including factories, houses, and car parks, the site offers glimpses of the majestic Mount Fuji on clear days. The architects envisioned a space where artisans could momentarily detach from their surroundings and reconnect with the essence of Mt. Fuji.
Design Concept
Inspired by the rugged beauty of black lava rocks scattered across the site, the architects sought to integrate elements of nature into the office’s design. They envisioned the exterior resembling a skirt, symbolizing a delicate yet protective barrier between the workers and their industrial environment. The garden, adorned with lava rock patterns and lush greenery, serves as a serene retreat reminiscent of the nearby Sea of Trees.
Architectural Elements
The garden is enclosed by FRP panels with a cubic curvature, mimicking the graceful drape of a skirt. These panels bear intricate patterns created by transferring cross-sections of lava rocks, meticulously crafted by the factory’s artisans. Broken rocks are repurposed as stepping stones, adding to the garden’s natural allure. The exterior mortar, textured to resemble rough lava rock, enhances the building’s organic aesthetic.
Visual Impact
The building’s façade, adorned with white drapes, contrasts with the surrounding grey environment, creating a striking visual focal point. These drapes act as screens, reflecting the building’s surroundings and casting intriguing shadows throughout the day. Viewed from a distance, the building appears as though adorned in a soft skirt, blending harmoniously with its industrial backdrop.
Dynamic Lighting
Throughout the day, the interplay of natural light transforms the office’s interior. In the morning, light filters in from top lights, casting subtle shadows and illuminating the space. As the day progresses, sunlight penetrates the FRP panels, infusing the interior with a warm, luminous glow. The space comes alive with myriad light particles, evoking a sense of tranquility reminiscent of Mt. Fuji’s foothills.
The Fuji Skirt Office exemplifies Fukei Co.’s commitment to harmonizing architecture with nature and culture. By seamlessly blending industrial elements with organic forms, the architects have created a serene oasis where workers can find respite amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life, reconnecting with the timeless beauty of Mt. Fuji.